Why choose a CHEK practitioner

Invest in your peak potential

Are issues with your body or health holding you back?

Get real answers

Find root cause

Get your life back

A CHEK Practitioner is trained in the world-leading CHEK method of integrated fitness and wellness. Scientifcally grounded and clinically tested it gets incredible results.

Julie is a qualified and experienced Practitioner and will thoroghly assess you and design a complete health-coaching plan that is truly individual to you – no two programs will ever be the same. 

Whether you need to fix a stubborn injury where other treatments have failed or you have an athletic goal you are struggling to achieve. 

A CHEK practitioner is the best investment you can make for your health, fitness and future.

What makes CHEK Practitioners unique

Is the level of detail involved in assessing EVERY new client and patient, and in the design of their individual, structured holistic coaching plan. 

Your plan is comprehensive to get the best results – based on 2 inter-connected systems:

Musculo-skeletal balance with corrective exercise

Start with advanced corrective exercise and progress to high performance sports specific training. 

The same principles are applied for all levels of health and fitness; from those with persistent health challenges all the way through to improving elite professional athletic performance.

Structured health coaching

Using a 4 pillar approach you will diet, reduce stress in ALL its forms and your coach will show you practical ways to create space for health in today’s fast-paced, ‘always on’ world.

The Primal Pattern® diet system provides a proven framework to eat for health & performance without fads or deprovation.

Your 4 pillar approach





"“I was overwhelmed by how thorough the MOT was. Every possible measurement was taken to find any misalignments in my body. I definitely felt in safe hands and Julie really knew what she was doing” 

Rick, Ramsbottom- Developer

Don't settle for second best. You only get one life. Invest in your future success with a CHEK practitioner.

The CHEK Institute has

60,000 practitioners

27 countries worldwide

1,000,000 clients

1 effective system

Paul Chek - founder of the Institute

Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness. 

For over thirty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his students and their clients.
By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed.

Famous clients and achievements

Paul is a sought after speaker and author.

His Golf Biomechanics course is PGA approved

He has won countless awards including 2 Lifetime Achievement Awards for his service to health, fitness and wellness.

"You’re the first person I’ve met (and I have met A LOT of healthcare practitioners, holistic therapists, yoga teachers etc. in the last few years!) who has understood where I’m at and what the real issues are so for that I will always be grateful."

Sarah, Ramsbottom- Developer

"Everything I have learnt has been a revelation.  Although I am still a little concious of my injury, I am now hiking and running without any pain.  Learning to listen to my body means I can correct things before they become an issue"

Olly, Ramsbottom- Developer

Hi I'm Julie - I care about overcoming your challenges

I understand how it feels when you are stuck, all progress halted, feeling like your fitness is going to melt away. In pain and fed up without a solution. Goals slipping away….

I was fit, active and teaching yoga. But I was suffering painful injury after painful injury. Doctors told me it was “just wear and tear” and to take pain killers. Hands on treatments helped ease the pain but I had to keep going back. It didn’t fix me and it won’t fix you.

A painful neck and shoulder injury was the best thing to happen to me! 

Turns out I was causing my pain and injuries with what I was doing everyday.  So I had to be the one to fix it.  I am 48 now. I feel better now than I did at 35! I have no injuries. No niggles. 

I have helped people fix themselves uaing this process for over 8 years and I can help you too.

"I am in such a better place than I was 9 months ago. I was at a wedding at the weekend and loved dancing at the reception, I even played golf twice. I am confident this approach will set me up for remaining active as I get older."

Paul, Ramsbottom- Developer

"I am now feeling much less stiff, have a great range of motion - and importantly - I don't hurt anymore!! The positive impact of this program goes beyond the 12 weeks and the physical.  The impact on my whole well-being is incredible."

Olly, Ramsbottom- Developer

We will show you how to build a pain free, resilient, capable body so you can live a full active life for years to come.

Book your MOT to get started today

Pain free secrets - Exposing the 5 injury rehab myths holding you back

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