Yoga, breath & healthy movement class

Learn how to move with skill to reduce and prevent pain & injury

Move better

Feel better

Live more

Why come to our Monday night class?

If you don't make time for your health, you will be forced to make time for your illness

What do people say about the class?

I love Julie's yoga classes and can't recommend them enough. Her knowledge of how your body should move and function underlies everything she does. She will help you to correct any misalignemnts during the class.
A five star plus from me!

Sharon, Harwood

I've attended Julie's Yoga classes for about 5 years now. It has helped me with my flexibility and form in the gym along with my mental wellbeing which I hadn't really considered when I started.  I would definitely recommend getting in touch if you are struggling.
Carl, Bury

Olly, Ramsbottom

Move better, feel better, live more


Book a class online for only £8

The class is drop-in, no need to pay for weeks you can’t attend.


Come along on your chosen date

A confirmation email will provide all the information you need.


Feel more comfortable, & capable everyday

Join us regularly to really see a change.

Our approach to yoga is different

Our aim is simple.

To equip you with more skills and knowledge to help you reduce, reverse and prevent wear and tear that leads to aches, pain or injury.

These are not inevitable. You can choose to live with far fewer “niggles” than you think.

3 reasons why yoga is not always helpful

Julie uses her extensive knowledge and experience of anatomy, body mechanics and injury rehab, combined with yoga to teach the essental skills you need to move well. 

So you can feel more comfort in every day life.

Stretching alone will not fix you

You will learn to refine your interoception. This essential skill. It is your ability to sense what is happening inside your body.

Improving your interoception will help you change physically and mentally.

Be more aware of your movement so you can start to change.

Feel more calm, reduce anxiety, make decisions and regulate your emotions. 

If you do not address the root cause imbalances in your body, niggles, pain and injury will be inevitable.

Learn healthy movement

The physical practice of our classes focus on you learning essential skills to improve your posture and alignment. So you can moveme with more skill and control.

Experience how healthy movement can change your life.

Move better, feel better, live more

"Julie has in my opinion a unique approach to yoga in that her knowledge,explanation of movement and passion are the best I have seen.
Each pose, posture and breath work are broken down carefully and controlled so benefits are ultimately achieved.Her classes are always different and varied.
Julie has also helped me with issues I have with my shoulder and lower back as I suffer pain & discomfort by providing me with 121 sessions (a lot more hands on & investigation than NHS).
I can highly recommend Julie Tod."

Christine, Summerseat

Hi I'm Julie, I want you to feel better & live more

I understand how it feels to be uncomfortable, to have tight muscles, painful joints and  injuries. 

I also know how it feels when your mind and emotions are in turmoil.

Yoga helped me heal from PTSD and chronic anxiety.  I use what yoga taught me everyday to feel better and live a full, productive life. I have spent over 10 years learning how how to build better body mechanics to fix and prevent pain and injury.

I am 49 now. I feel better now than I did at 35!

I can show  you how you can get here too.

When a class is not the best solution

Don’t panic though – we can still help. But a 121 approach will be a better option for you, at least in the short term.

Email us and request a call back and we can discuss the best approach for your specific requirements.

There is no bad exercise, but there is a badly prescribed exercise.

Yoga & healthy movement class
Mondays @ 7pm

Book a class

"I found my body getting less compliant and my motivation plummet. Combined with a busy and stressful professional life, I needed to do something.

I found YourPeakPotential over five years ago and have not looked back. I'm able to run and with a much improved feeling of balance function and well-being.

Alasdair, amsbottom

"I came to Julie's class as a beginner. I immediately felt welcome. The way she guides you through each session is perfect. Easy to follow and understand.

I love the relaxation techniques  she uses, her voice is very soothing. They're the thing I look forward to most."

Hannah, Harwood

Is meditation for me?

"While the greats master the body, the greatest master the mind."

LeBron James all time leading scorer NBA and regular meditator

Awareness of meditation has come a long way.  It’s now widley accepted as a tool that can unlock daily productivity, peak performance and massively increase your ability to deal with everything life can throw at you with more ease.

Many successful business leaders, entrepreneurs and athletes use meditation, breathwork and visualisation to drive their success.


"Tapping into minfulness is what actually changed my career"

Natahsa Hastings 2 x Olympic Gold winner - Developer

Some famous meditators

Meditation can be of benefit to almost everyone. If you struggle to be still and your head is always busy then you have the most to gain. 

Just like when you start exercising, it can be tricky. But you can’t do it wrong.

What is breathwork?

Your breath is a powerful tool that can change your mental and physical health, your emotional state and the busy-ness of your mind. 

We combine pranayama (yogic breathing) with the science of Oxygen Advantage Breathwork Technique to show you the power of your breath.

On occassion we also run dedicated breathwork events or courses.Check the shop or email for info.

Our lovely class venue

The class is held at The Chakra Rooms It is a lovely cosy and welcoming venue. 
The Chakra Room is a complementary health and wellbeing centre based in the beautiful market town of Ramsbottom. specialising in holistic treatments, classes, workshops and trainings for health, wellness and spirituality.

"I had not done yoga before but Julie is very welcoming and supportive and the class has a positive, inclusive atmosphere. I have noticed fewer aches and pains and i feel stronger. I have also found the classes to be very beneficial for my mental wellbeing. The night after yoga class is definitely my best sleep of the week!"

Louise, Ramsbottom

5 Injury Rehab Myths that hold you back

Struggling with aches, pain or injury?

Sign up and get our guide to the 5 biggest injury rehab myths that we see holding people back every week. 

You can unsubscribe at any time.