Toebands by Blackboard


Look at your fingers – flexible, strong with good co-ordination. Imagine if you put your hands in boxing gloves all day long and couldnt use your fingers to grip, support, write? That is what we do with our feet every day.  Countless muscles and ligaments that optimise our feet lose their potential.

You can use these toebands with the included exercise guide to strengthen and mobilise your toes, soles and arch of your feet.  Strong feet can help maintain correct alignment through the legs and hips. So you can reduce injury risk and more efficiently transmit power.

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Toebands – Free your feet and balance your body


The ToeBands by BlackBoard are the first tensile strength bands specially developed for the foot. Their design was chosen in such a way that they allow isolated training of the feet and toes. Mobilization of the joints, strengthening of the muscles and the strengthening of neural pathways, all of this can be done quickly and easily with the ToeBands. The system techniques developed by BlackBoard are easy to use and make training with the ToeBands a real experience.

Try it out and Free your Feet

1 ToeBand green -Strong-
The ToeBand green is primarily used to mobilize fixed and immobile joints and is used to strengthen already well trained foot muscles.

1 ToeBand -pink-
The ToeBand pink enables the strengthening of neural pathways and muscles that were previously less active and have lost their strength as a result.

Included in shipment:

  • 1 pink band
  • 1 green band
  • Manual (and online videos)
  • storage bag

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